Thursday, December 10, 2015

Serenity Jones

The psychic mentioned in the story, Serenity Jones is an interesting character so far and I started wondering if her character is based on a true person or story. The McCoy family sounded familiar and there were so many details about her cases I felt like it must come from real life. After looking it up I couldn't find any evidence of a psychic with that name, but I did find out Picoult wrote a short story just about her. It also surprised me that the chapter told from Serenity's point of view showed that she was actually psychic & mystical and such and it wasn't a fraud. I was not expecting the book to take a supernatural turn and I'm still kind of waiting for there to be some kind of rational explanation. Besides this I'm enjoying Serenity's story and I want to find out more about why her powers aren't working anymore. (Also lol at using the sassy-gay-man & black lady spirit guide trope)

1 comment:

  1. That's one of the great things about Jodi Picoult. Her books are mostly realistic, but the supernatural elements are not uncommon. Think of My Sister's Keeper. There is an inexplicable car crash that saves a girl who was long past the point of saving. I don't think a realistic explanation is coming.
    (PS It's Kaitlyn I can't log in on my phone)
